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  • Writer's pictureSimrat Gauri

Entrepreneurial Mindset - Advice - Part 8


   ●  The Triple Ps of Success: Passion, Persistence, Perseverance

      ●  Finding Your Own Capabilities: Entrepreneurial Self Discovery

      ●  Seizing Opportunities: The First Step to Entrepreneurial Success

      ●  Resilience and Patience: The NGO's Journey to Success

      ●  Creating Lasting Impact: The Entrepreneur's Mission

      ●  From Passion to Profession: Building a Business with Dedication and Quality Service

      ●  Entrepreneurship Essentials: Self Confidence, Mentorship, Resilience, and

Continuous Improvement

      ●  Attitude and Belief: The Mindset for Success

      ●  Embracing Risks and Overcoming Self Doubt

      ●  Unwavering Focus: Staying True to Your Goals

The Triple Ps of Success: Passion, Persistence, Perseverance

Follow your passion and never give up no matter what happens = Passion - Persistence - Perseverance = Power.

Susanne Evens, Founder, AAA Translation, Inc.


Finding Your Own Capabilities: Entrepreneurial Self-Discovery

Don't let someone tell you what you are capable of doing - find it out for yourself and protect your time doing it.

Jordana Matsos, Founder, hirequity Recruitment Agency


Seizing Opportunities: The First Step to Entrepreneurial Success

Grab the first opportunity you see, you never know when you will get it next. It can come to you in any form, just grab it!

Anuratti Vidyarrthi, Founder, Witivons


Resilience and Patience: The NGO's Journey to Success

NGOs are organisations who people look up to and may seem to have it all, but just like others, also struggle in more ways imaginable. Like many others, NGOs are not perfect and also go through a trial and error stage. Hence, when things don’t go as planned, it’s important to be resilient, patient, persistent and keep sharing the associated cause and service. People connect and get inspired by the values an NGO delivers on ground.

Priya Sharma, Founder, Jimmedari Foundation


Creating Lasting Impact: The Entrepreneur's Mission

Yes, Be an entrepreneur to bring a change. Create a team and product which is long lasting. remember you are a creator of employment. Those who work with you are your canvass for creating good citizens for this country and the world. Be morally correct.

Neelima Singh ,Founder, etree project consultants pvt ltd


From Passion to Profession: Building a Business with Dedication and Quality Service

,Choose Need of the hour business,Passion to Profession , Hardwork, Dedication ,Quality Service ,Good Customer Relationship

JAYASRI KRISHNAN, Founder, D'Organica Garden Shoppee


Entrepreneurship Essentials: Self-Confidence, Mentorship, Resilience, and Continuous Improvement

Entrepreneurship is not everyones cup of tea. I would always advise to believe in yourself as entrepreneurship can be challenging but having self-confidence in your abilities is crucial. Secondly it is always important to find a mentor. They can offer guidance and support, and provide insight into the challenges you may face. Networking is another suggestion I would give. Be resilient as entrepreneurship is a journey full of ups and downs. Be prepared to face obstacles, setbacks, and failures, and learn from them. Always focus on your strengths. Delegate tasks that are not your strengths and hire people who compliment your skill set. Also stay true to your values. Stay true to your values and principles, and build a business that aligns with them. Keep learning. Stay up to date with industry trends, learn new skills, and be open to feedback.

Anooja Bashir, Founder, Oureansoul Pvt Ltd


Attitude and Belief: The Mindset for Success

Tener Actitud y estar mentalizadas en creer que se puede.



Embracing Risks and Overcoming Self-Doubt

To take more risks and not waste time self-doubting your capabilities.

Deepti Dyondi ,Founder,


Unwavering Focus: Staying True to Your Goals

Focus on your aim and never leave that.

Anjali Baidyanath Mahto, Founder, CodiMaths




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