The 2:00 AM Principle: Building Solutions for Pressing Problems
Aligning Passion with Problem-Solving in Business
Preparation and Innovation: The Key to Entrepreneurial Success
Market Research and Opportunity Seizing in Entrepreneurship
Cultivating a Culture of Product Innovation and Customer Delight
Solving the Right Problems with Faith and Focus
Innovation and Positivity: Diversifying for Success
The 2:00 AM Principle: Building Solutions for Pressing Problems
I say this as it guided me on my path, hope this will guide you too. Start up only when you find your 2:00 AM problem. Build only when you find that problem, that can keep you awake at 2:00 AM. That one problem, which will push you beyond every limit and you will happily stretch. It will ask you for every sacrifice that you will proudly make, only to solve the problem! I built my first product from my living room with no investment. My second product started the similar way. I still telecommute and remain bootstrapped. If I can do it, you too will. Find that problem that doesn't allow you to sleep at night and build a solution to it. The world is waiting to celebrate your hard work.
Nabomita Mazumdar, Founder, Nabomita.com
Aligning Passion with Problem-Solving in Business
Even if it is your passion, make sure you are solving problems, not driving your own agenda. Your goal is to pave the road for the next, and mentor the next to be smarter, bolder, and more driven. If you create your road only to drive alone, or regulate traffic, you are no longer the problem solver, but the problem maker.
Jessica herbert, Founder, IDEA Analytics
Preparation and Innovation: The Key to Entrepreneurial Success
I would say my biggest learning is always to go prepared for any meeting and really researching and understanding a client's needs. Secondly, innovation in any business is key to long standing success. Timely delivery of services or goods along with maintenance of standard of quality of service is key to retention of customers.
Bhargavi Swami, Founder, Excel Corporation
Market Research and Opportunity Seizing in Entrepreneurship
Research the Market, Find a gap & Opportunity, Fill up with your idea, remove the hurdle, keep hustling and the rest will follow.
Cultivating a Culture of Product Innovation and Customer Delight
Always stay with a strong company culture. Our company philosophy is based on “product innovation” culture that can deliver customer delight. Our IP led solutions not only creates an impact on customers but helps us to be at the forefront of engaging with the customer ecosystem with continuous improvement. Our product strategy, business value proposition and innovation helps to support the business growth in a focused manner.
Priyanka Kumar, Founder, LivNSense Technologies Pvt Ltd
Solving the Right Problems with Faith and Focus
Have faith, and focus on solving the right problems
Lavanya Pawar, Founder, Carboledger
Innovation and Positivity: Diversifying for Success
Be innovative, stay positive and motivated, diversify your offerings and your clients
Neha Kunte, Founder, MNK Infotech Inc.